Friday, November 23, 2007

If you have not heard about Jenita...

This is about Smalin Jenita a 23 year old girl from Tamilnadu, India - a immigrant on dependent visa - allegedly tortured. This soon to be mother, now seven month pregnant, had met with a grave car accident, here in the US, that left her partly paralyzed and incoherent because of brain and spinal cord injuries. She is stated to have been in coma for a few months before she regained consciousness. The parents' side say that she has been pushed out of the speeding car.

The Highway patrol however have included the case as an accident. The guys' sister was also injured in the crash. The accident happend in July and Christy Danius ( the husband ) returned to India in September, after which her father went to US and brought her daughter back. She is getting treated in India now.

If at all the guy and his family were responsible for this accident and the plight of Jenita, they MUST be brought to justice. No matter what and in whichever geographic location he is in the world.
But US police force is not dumb and they dont take such matters lightly. A few years ago one of my friends got a deep wound while working in the kitchen - there was a lot of blood and 911 was called - The police launched their own investigation even without a filed complaint. The victim and her partner was thoroughly questioned and only when they were convinced did they label it as an accident.

There are quite a few questions to be answered in this case :

1. Why would the guy put his life and the life of his sister in danger to harm the girl ?

2. Why did the parents not go to see the daughter in coma ? Were they even informed ?

3. Why did the guy abandon the girl in September and return back to India - after which the hospital authorities had to file for petition for a guardian and get her father there ????

4. If at all he has returned back to India why is he not yet arrested, even after complaints from the girls father ?

5 . Does the No. 1 tech company that he works for ( in case he is still working there ) taking any action ?

6. Why did the father along wtih the hospital authorities not file a complaint in the US itself ?

If the guy is genuinely innocent then he deserved heartfelt sympathies where his wife has been gravely injured, his unborn baby had been in danger and his sister too injured. But if it is not the case then such inhuman acts should be punished with the capital punishment so that NRIs should not think that they can leave the foreign country where the crime has been committed, bend rules in India, let people forget the case with time and get ready to pounce on another life with "another wedding" .
Newspaper articles regarding this issue:
Story of Jenita - US side of the story
NRI reduces wife to wreck - Story from Indian newspapers